Why are Cable Machines so Popular?
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Why are Cable Machines so Popular?

Have you ever arrived at your local gym after a day at work only to find that there is a line to use the cable machines? Find out why are they so popular and learn the best exercises to perform using them.

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Tips for Designing Effective Workout Programs
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Tips for Designing Effective Workout Programs

Designing an effective workout program involves several key factors that help maximize results and ensure safety. Here are some tips to consider when designing your workout program.

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What is Les Mills RPM?
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

What is Les Mills RPM?

I was recently certified to teach Les Mills RPM classes. RPM stands for Raw Power in Motion and it is a cardio peak cycle workout that uses a great selection of music, simulated climbs and sprints to burn calories and improve cardio fitness. Learn more…

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Why Hire a Personal Trainer?
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Working with a personal trainer can benefit individuals looking to improve their fitness levels, achieve specific goals, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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 “Reset” your metabolism? NEAT trick, but not really.
Marjorie Trussell, MS, RDN Marjorie Trussell, MS, RDN

“Reset” your metabolism? NEAT trick, but not really.

Your metabolism is not a game you can “reset” or cheat (up, down, left right, B, A, Start?). It is made up of several components. While it is not cheatable, per se, some components are modifiable. Find out how…

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Don’t Skip Rest Days
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Don’t Skip Rest Days

Rest days are crucial for those who do resistance training for several reasons. Here are a few of the most important…

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Is there a Connection Between Grip Strength and Longevity?
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Is there a Connection Between Grip Strength and Longevity?

Recently one of my older male clients sent me a link to an article in the Washington Post that claimed that grip strength was an indicator of longevity, or how long a person is expected to live. He asked me if it were true. Here’s what I found.

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3 Exercises Mountain Bikers Should do to Improve Performance and Reduce Injury Risk
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

3 Exercises Mountain Bikers Should do to Improve Performance and Reduce Injury Risk

Like many road and off-road cyclists I know, I used to think that performance improvements only occur while in the saddle. However, the personal trainer side of me has learned that improvements can also take place off the bike and in the gym. Here are three exercises that mountain bikers might consider to improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury:

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Creatine Monohydrate, What is It and Why Use It?
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Creatine Monohydrate, What is It and Why Use It?

As an older person who participates in resistance training on a regular basis and also in high-intensity indoor cycle classes, I have been supplementing my diet with creatine monohydrate for some time now. I find that it has been helpful for me to maintain muscle mass as I age and also has allowed me to pick up my performance on the bike. So what is creatine monohydrate?

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More Gym Exercises to Avoid, and What to do Instead
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

More Gym Exercises to Avoid, and What to do Instead

Last week I listed three exercises that I see folks in the gym working into their routines that are ineffective and potentially harmful. This week, I’ll continue with three more popular gym exercises that could be harmful or could be improved upon.

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Gym Exercises to Avoid
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Gym Exercises to Avoid

This blog s the first of a series of articles intended to call out some of these less-than-optimal exercises and suggest better ways to get the intended results.

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A Stationary Bike can Help you Run Faster
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

A Stationary Bike can Help you Run Faster

Being able to perform better on a run doesn't necessarily mean spending more time on the road or on the treadmill. Cycling or using a stationary bike will work your muscles in a different way that will help you run faster. When you incorporate running and cycling into your exercise routine,

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The Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

The Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

Strength training can help counteract the effects of aging by increasing muscle mass, bone density, and balance. Plus, it helps improve mental health, cognitive function, and sleep quality.

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Sticking with New Year Healthy Change Resolutions
Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Sticking with New Year Healthy Change Resolutions

A great way to stay on track with a new exercise program is to make it social. Most gyms and fitness centers offer a variety of free group exercise programs throughout the day and evening hours. New exercisers may feel intimidated at first to try a group session, they shouldn’t. Everyone has been a beginner at one time or another. Plus the instructors who are highly qualified to deliver safe, effective programming, are also there to make everyone feel welcome and successful.

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