Massage Guns - Do they Really Work?
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Massage Guns - Do they Really Work?

Having now scientifically established the benefit of foam rolling before and after exercise, we introduce the “Massage Gun” - just in time for Christmas.

So, what is a massage gun, and do they really work? Again let’s check the research.

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Gyms Build Profits, Not Bodies
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Gyms Build Profits, Not Bodies

Just join a gym, pay the dues, come in a couple of times a week, sit on a machine, work the levers, drink a shake afterward - achieve fitness! No need to consult a trainer or to have a workout plan.

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Balance Basics
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Balance Basics

Balance, defined as the ability to maintain postural control is a fundamental component of performing everyday tasks. Most of us take it for granted until we lose it. Who hasn’t slipped on an icy sidewalk or felt panicked while walking across a narrow bridge?

These temporary lapses of control are inconvenient and sometimes painful, but what happens when maintaining balance becomes a daily struggle?

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Get Started with a Structured, Supervised Training Program
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Get Started with a Structured, Supervised Training Program

The VirtaFitnessTM training program described here is a structured, supervised training program designed for the Beginner to Intermediate strength training client. Even if you do not consider yourself a beginner, you will likely benefit from this progressive program.

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What is Trainerize?
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

What is Trainerize?

New technology, better results. The Trainerize fitness training app is a new technology that allows Certified Personal Trainers to deliver personalized online training to their clients. Get the app for free when you sign up for a VirtaFitness fitness program.

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Heart Rate Monitors Provide Constant Feedback
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

Heart Rate Monitors Provide Constant Feedback

Track your efforts and stay safe. To me, the most critical data point while I exercise is my heart rate. I like to use a chest strap device that feeds HR data to my bike computer and smartphone. Either way, I can tell at a glance whether I am working too hard or not hard enough.

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What is The OPT™ Model?
Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT Fitness Marty Trussell, NASM - CPT

What is The OPT™ Model?

Stabilization, strength, and power. Utilized for over 20 years with the world's top athletes, the NASM OPT™ Model, or Optimum Performance Training® Model, is a fitness training system developed by Dr. Mike Clark. Based on scientific evidence and principles, the model is highly adaptable and versatile in its application, progressing individuals through five distinct yet complementary training phases.

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