Sticking with New Year Healthy Change Resolutions

The new year is a time for reflection and making resolutions. Many people decide to make healthy lifestyle changes at this time of year. They become determined to eat healthier or work out more frequently. It's also common to make financial or health-related changes such as quitting smoking or cutting back on alcohol consumption. Making healthy changes is easier when you have a plan, so consider the following ideas to help to stay on track throughout the year.

Most people think physical exercise - cardio - is the key to achieving their health goals which are usually vaguely stated in terms of losing weight and looking better. Gyms all know this and that is why you see so many membership deals offered this time of year. Regular members also know that January will bring many new faces into the gym only to see them disappear as the year wears on.

Most new gym members have been somehow conditioned to think that slow, steady-state, exercise is the best way to burn calories and thus achieve the body composition changes they desire. So they hop on a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machine and get to work moving slowly so as to not get out of breath or break a sweat.

While any type of movement is better than none and will bring some health benefits, this approach to exercise is generally not sufficient to create measurable changes to scale weight or body composition. Plus, it is boring. With no tangible results to show after a couple of weeks or months, it is easy to fall back into old patterns of inactivity.

A three-prong approach

A better plan is a three-pronged approach that involves strength training, cardio, and a healthy diet. Most people who are new to exercise are unaware that resistance, or strength, training when done properly can burn more calories in a shorter about of time than steady-state cardio, and will continue to burn calories long after the workout is over.

A plan that features movement-pattern (squat, hinge, push and pull) resistance training three days a week with some form of cardio on the rest days in between is a better formula for success. Not only does it create variety, but it also challenges the body’s different energy systems.

Make it social

A great way to stay on track with a new exercise program is to make it social. Most gyms and fitness centers offer a variety of free group exercise classes throughout the day and evening hours. New exercisers may feel intimidated at first to try a group session, they shouldn’t. Everyone has been a beginner at one time or another. Plus the instructors who are highly qualified to deliver safe, effective programming, are also there to make everyone feel welcome and successful.

Group sessions also make it easy to mix and match classes that emphasize strength training in one and cardio in another. Plus, they are fun. The combination of good music, an encouraging instructor, and the fellowship of other exercisers can make the time fly by while everyone works just a little harder than they would have on their own.

Don’t overlook nutrition

Finally, don’t overlook nutrition. No amount of exercise can overcome a poor diet. If you are not sure if your diet is healthy, check in with a nutritionist or registered dietitian.

Sticking with New Year fitness resolutions is easier when you see results and are having fun. Try these suggestions and you will be well on your way to achieving your new year fitness goals.


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