Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long should these home workouts take?

A: There is no set amount of time to work out. If you’re able to work out for 45 minutes at once, perfect. If you’re only able to work out in two 5-minute intervals per day, then that is perfect to.

Q: How long will it take for me to see results?

A: That will vary by person. However, there are ways to get noticeable results much faster than others. In fact, that’s why VirtaFitness offers online fitness coaching with completely custom-designed exercise and nutrition coaching to get you the results that you want and need. If you’re interested in learning more about teaming up with VirtaFitness for online coaching, click this link to view our program offerings.

Q: What if I’m not strong enough to do some of the basic movements like a pushup?

A: Eventually, you will be. With consistency, patience, and practice, you’ll be able to do a push-up in no time. Until you can, you can modify any exercise so that you’re able to perform it we will suggest ways to modify exercises.